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I Believe China Will Win—A Message From a Pakistan student of NCU

2020-02-05 12:18  阅读:4035 

I Believe China Will Win—A Message From a Pakistan student of NCU


We live in a hyper-connected world at the moment. But sometimes we can’t separate truth from the speculations. The time like this crisis calls for a little more responsibility and sensitivity in sharing anything online to save others from unnecessary panic and chaos.


To all the friends and family!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your concern, thoughts, and prayers. It really means a lot. I am absolutely fine. Currently, I am at Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi. Here, we have access to all the life necessities including food and water. No need to worry about the stuff, you may have seen across the news or social media back home.

Our university administration is in constant touch, taking care of us and our necessities. They are very cooperative and spreading awareness regarding the current situation, revised rules and regulations, precautionary and safety measures, and providing us with necessary medical assistance, if required. I appreciate all their efforts and am extremely grateful to them.

These are the extraordinary times. My second home, China, is hit by a crisis. I believe it is trying more than it’s best to overcome it, and I believe, it will. We all will overcome this real soon. My heart goes out to everyone working at the forefront of the crisis at Wuhan, especially, and across the China, in general. My prayers are with the affected families, hope they find peace and patience.

In the end, I will request my fellow Pakistani students, please take every precautionary measures advised by the Chinese administration, try to understand the circumstances and avoid unnecessary sensationalization. Your single irresponsible tweet, post, or video on social media creates panic in the families back home. Stay safe !

#加油武汉 #加油中国

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